Wednesday, August 30, 2006

AdSense Niche: Furnace Filter, Furnace Air Filter - $$$

I found another decent AdSense niche that would be very easy to get good rankings within the search engines. Furnace filters may not seem like a topic that would bring in any money, but there number of searches per month and the number of advertisers makes this an ideal niche.

Even though furnace filters is a seasonal item, there are still enough searches during the spring and summer months to be profitable all year round. I would suggest targeting the keywords "furnace filter" from and SEO prospective, because you will have an easier time getting your site to rank well due to the lack of competition.

All AdSense niches that I profile will use the following rating system that describes the average payout per click:
  • $------ $.01 to $.25

  • $$----- $.26 to $.50

  • $$$---- $.51 to $.75

  • $$$$--- $.75 to $1.00

  • $$$$$-- $1.00+

Your results should be very similiar to those posted here, but your results may vary due to competition since this post was posted (MFA sites), smart pricing on your AdSense account, and or bad traffic sources.


Anonymous said...

I agree that this is a good niche. It is also a good niche that you can also exploit by selling filters on the backend (through or some other affiliate program.)

Charles Kirkendall said...

Absolutely - Couple adsense with an filter store and you have a nice money maker.