Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Social Bookmarking Case Study

A lot of webmasters suggest submitting your site(s) and page(s) to social bookmarking sites.  With the large number of social bookmarking sites available, this looks like a great way generate back links to a site.  But, I am also a little cautious about the actual value.  I want to make sure that I am focusing my link building efforts in the best possible direction.

So, I am setting up a fun lens on Squidoo (Powerful Worship Songs) to test the effect of submitting the lens to a list of social bookmarking sites.  I will submit to the larger sites (i.e. stumbleupon, reddit, etc...), but I will also submit to the multitude of pligg type sites.  The experiment is to see how many of these bookmarked links are indexed within the first week and first month.

My goal with this experiment is to test the value of getting quality back links from social bookmarking sites.  At the end, I should have a considerable amount of data to decide whether to continue submitting any more sites to social bookmarking sites.  I am varying the anchor text and descriptions for the submissions to make the links appear more natural. 

Here is a list of the bookmarking sites links I placed (if you feel inclined, go ahead and vote for the site):
  1. StumbleUpon
  2. Reddit
  3. Digg
  4. www.lensroll.com  
  5. www.squidom.com
  6. www.nfer.org
  7. www.pageranked.com
  8. www.bookmarkshub.info
  9. www.free-sitesubmit.com
  10. www.blogdup.com
  11. www.lhzyy.net
  12. www.hibo5k.com
  13. www.jotlinks.com
  14. www.geofeedz.com
  15. www.blurpalicious.com 
  16. www.sticktothis.com 
  17. www.hubmarks.com
  18. submitbookmark.info
  19. birat.net - added March 15

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